Friday, June 8, 2007

Another Break in

Oh great there's been another break in this time in Albany fits the same M.O. as the fist, broken cameras and the only thing any one saw of this guy was a poof of white smoke. Seems this ninja likes old Japanese artifacts first a ring an then a scroll, what is the point of stealing these items there were things of way more value in the museum. On top of that one of the higher ups is really pissed off, sure its understandable and all with his daughter, he really shouldn't be working this case right now, he's not even hearing the facts. I tried to tell him I found hair gel not hair, you can't DNA test hair gel. Secondly I said metrosexual not homosexual, that hair gel would not be used by any gay man I know.
The worst part about this new theft is that I have to leave NYC behind and I haven't finished shopping :(. At least I got some crime fighting in, I was able to sneak away from the other agents on the case, it was just too easy to do with my abilities. I didn't stop anything major just a few muggings just enough to help but still stay under the radar. Fells good to make a difference I just wish I could do more. Hopefully Albany won't be a huge waste maybe there will be more clues there hopefully this guy is stupid enough to leave another shuriken.

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